Saturday, April 4, 2009

These are samples of past shopping cart covers and matching bags. People often ask me, "What kind of fabric do you have that I can choose from?" The answer is ANY! If you can dream it, I can make it!


Shopping Cart Cover: $25.00 (includes two toy loops)

Matching Bag: $5.00

Shipping: $5.00 (no matter how many you order)

You may pay via paypal or check/money order.


Kate said...

Bunny I just LOVE your covers! I tell everyone who ask about mine where to get it. When we decide (or God) to have another baby I am definitely getting another;) Have you seen those bandana skirts on the Amazing Mae blog? I want to try and make them.

Bunny said...

Thank you, Katie!
I tried so hard to get you the brown and blue fabric for your cover when Jackson was born. I went to three stores (with my kiddo in tow) but during that time, it was so difficult to find those colors. But that's what I always had in mind for your Jack. :-( Oh well, there's always next time!
Yes! They are adorable! I love her blog!!
I've gotten so busy with the shopping cart covers that I've had to hold off on my other boutique baby items for a while.